Star Brite Descaling Engine Flush 3.8 litres
Star brite® Descaling Engine Flush
- Removes scale and deposits from all marine engines
- Will not damage engine seals, gaskets or rubber impellers.
1. Remove the boat from the water. Place the motor in an appropriate container so that the engine intake is well below the lip of the container. Mix one part of concentrated Star brite® Descaling Engine Flush with one part freshwater. Fill container until engine intake is completely submerged in the Descaling Engine Flush mixture.
2. With the engine intakes completely submerged, run the engine until the green mixture comes out of the exhaust/water outlet of your engine. Immediately shut off the engine and let the engine sit for 5-10 minutes. Turn the engine on to allow the fresh mixture to flow through the system, then shut off the engine again. Drain the entire system.
3. Dispose of the flush mixture in compliance with local, state and federal laws. Fill the container with fresh water and completely submerge engine intakes in water. Start engine once more and run for 5 minutes while freshwater runs throughout the engine system.